Tag Archives: carb

The Social Aspect of Dieting and Weight Loss

When it comes to losing weight and getting into shape, there is one thing that matters more than any other aspect of your new diet. And that one thing is ‘adherence’. Adherence is mostly just the technical term that describes how well you can stick to the diet rules you’ve set yourself. Do you stick religiously to your new calorie count? To reducing your carb intake? To getting more fruits and vegetables? Because if you don’t stick to the rules you’ve set yourself, then it doesn’t matter […]

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How to Bulk With Your Diet

When it comes to the diet, everyone has different goals. Just as some of us focus on losing weight and becoming leaner, others are more interested in building mass and growing in size. It is what we call ‘bulking’. Bulking also happens to be much easier for some people than it is for others. If you are naturally an ectomorph, then that will make it hard for you to increase your weight and to grow and you will likely find that you’re typically very slim and light. […]

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