Author Archives: Terence

How to Improve Your Energy Levels With the Right Diet

Wouldn’t life be a lot better if you had more energy? Serious – low energy is probably responsible for a considerable proportion of our problems! It’s low energy that makes it hard to wake up in the morning, it’s low energy that makes us not want to exercise, and it’s low energy that prevents us from performing our best or enjoying life. The problem is that it takes energy to start changing your lifestyle and to do things like exercise more or sleep better to improve your […]

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Why Bread and Milk Are Not the Enemy

If you’re looking to lose weight and improve your health, then one of the first things you need to do is to choose from the vast amount of different diet plans out there. Mostly, you need to decide who you’re going to listen to and what theory of weight loss you want to subscribe to! And things get tricky right away. What you’ll find is that everyone has a different opinion and that these opinions vary hugely. Some people say to stay away from fats while others […]

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The Power of Walking a Little Bit

Losing weight should never be the sole aim of any diet. Your diet is what sustains you, and it is what your body uses to rebuild tissue, flesh and even brain matter. In other words, if you aren’t eating right then, you won’t be performing right either. That should be the priority. Still, though, many of us do aim to lose weight with our diets, and that’s why it can be very disheartening when it just doesn’t happen for us. And sometimes it’s genuinely doesn’t. Sometimes, we will […]

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A New Way to Think About Healthy Food

When you think of ‘healthy’ food, what do you think of? For many of us, this doesn’t exactly bring to mind a gourmet meal. Instead, you might think of healthy foods as being those typical ‘low fat’ sandwiches or crisps that have had all the moisture sucked out of them. Maybe you think of bread that is about as thin (and tasty) as a piece of cardboard! Whatever the case though, healthy food doesn’t have to be this way. Healthy, food should be all the stuff that […]

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How Eating Healthy Can Improve Your Life

If you’re one of the many people who think that eating healthy is expensive and doesn’t taste very good, think again! Eating a healthy diet can be very simple and straightforward, as well as delicious! Read on for some easy tips on eating delicious food that’s good for your body.   Almonds are a fantastic addition to your food arsenal, mainly to reduce the cravings that you have. Choose a bag of almonds, instead of potato chips, for a snack that you will enjoy and not have […]

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The Easiest Ways to Cut Calories and Junk From Your Diet

If you’re trying to improve your diet, you’ll often find it’s easier to focus on the things you want to remove from your current eating habits rather than trying to add items. And the best way to make that successful is to focus on just the smallest things that will cause the slightest change to your feeling of fullness and energy throughout the day. Here are some straightforward ways to cut calories and reduce the amount of junk in your diet! Get Rid of Soda Drinks One […]

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